Quick Summary :
* Kiti Q has sold and is in the process of handover & training. Still keeping me busy, which is great. Official handover is in approx 2 weeks.
* Kiti Q is having a 50c patterned paper clearance in the Garage Sale section - ALL patterned papers are 50c, embossed card is 80c and fabric paper is only $1 - so be quick, cos stock is limited!
* New Bam Pop stamps are on their way, and they are sooooo cute!
* Roh, me and the kids headed over to South Australia last Thursday for 5 days (including driving time). Had a great time with friends and family, even though it was such a short trip really. Have some photos to share - will mainly upload pics of the kids this post :-)
* I got a new job - working as an Office Manager/Chiropractic Assistant in a clinic about 15 minutes away from home. I had my first shift last night, learning the computer system and just some of the basic processes. I'm going to be helping out in recruiting new doctors to work at the clinic, as well as assist my boss with the book he is writing on children's nutrition. Fingers crossed it all goes well. I'm quite excited about it, and it looks like it's only going to be two shifts a week to start with, which fits in well with me and the kids - yay!
* My mum taught me how to knit on the weekend. Woo hoo - a new skill...well, I'm not sure if I can say that I'm skilled at it yet, but Jude's two coloured striped scarf is over half way finished. I knitted all the way home from S.A...lol....so got a lot done then. Will put up a photo when I've finished, I promise (Mum/Reeze - might need some help with the whole casting off thing please!) Reeze made me this gorgeous little knitted bag, and that along with what mum knits for the kids, inspired me to learn how to knit again...yes, again as I did learn when I was a kid, but didn't stick to it.
Ok, now for some pics from SA :
Caden, my nephew
Caden & Alannah
Roh and Jude
And here is an adorable photo of my little nephew Bodie - looks so cute in stripes. This was taken two weeks ago.
I have been tagged by the sweet Kayla, so I will be back when I think of 7 things to post.
Oh, and I might even scrap something that I can share too :-P
Enjoy your weekend!
hey Kelly, great you started knitting again. I did too, last winter, it's a fantastic hobby I wish I spent more time with it.